Free, Safe, Confidential Support

The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 978-388-1888 for free, safe, confidential support; you can also email gethelp@jeannegeiger.orgYou are never alone!

We are here for you. Our staff is here to help all impacted by domestic violence. Visit this link for our list of offices located in Essex County. 

If you are in immediate danger or have been seriously injured, please call 911.

What to expect when you call our hotline

You will speak with a trained domestic violence advocate;

You will reach someone who will listen to you;

You will have someone to talk with about any kind of abuse, not only physical but also emotional or financial;

You will be asked questions to help you identify if you are in an unsafe situation;

Your conversation will remain confidential — we will not share your information with anyone, including police;

You will be connected to the best possible services for your unique situation;

It’s okay if you’re not sure if you should call — call us anyway.

We will be there for you and talk you through it.

Additional Support Organizations

  • SafeLink can provide immediate shelter and multi-lingual support services. Call their toll-free statewide 24/7 domestic violence hotline at 877-785-2020
  • For free and confidential information, referrals and support for you, family members, and friends in other parts of Massachusetts, visit
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline:  800-799-SAFE (7233)