Since opening our doors in 1982, we have helped approximately 1,200 - 1,400 adults and children each year move from crisis to safety and long-term independence.
Our local services include:
Advocacy and Support
Our advocates listen to survivors’ experiences, help identify abuse, and work with survivors on setting the course toward a life free from violence and fear.
Therapeutic Services
We provide a wide range of evidence-based and proven therapies that enable adult and child survivors to heal from trauma.
Legal Services
Legal services assist, protect and empower survivors in ways that other services cannot. Volunteer court advocates, our staff attorney, and our referral panel of local attorneys provide assistance in the courts, as well as aid for a wide variety of legal matters such as divorce, custody, visitation, child support, housing and immigration.
Children's Safety Program
We offer safe, supportive interventions for children who have experienced domestic violence. Working to break the cycle of violence, we provide individual and family counseling, as well as educational and therapeutic groups for children and adolescents.
Intimate Partner Abuse Education
We facilitate educational intervention for individuals who are—or have been—abusive in intimate relationships. Our main objective is the safety of the partners and ex-partners of the individuals in our program. We also monitor participants’ behavior and collaborate with the courts, police and protective service agencies to hold people who use violence accountable for their actions. This is a 40-week program certified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that is paid for by the participant.