Interested in learning more about the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center? Our Center Spotlights invite you to join us virtually and learn more about what we do, who we help, and how to get involved.

This June, hear from Evelyn Martinez and Jeff Trahant, Intimate Partner Abuse Education Program (IPAEP) Counselors at Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, to learn about our Strong Fathers program, as well as the latest updates from the Center.

The Strong Fathers program is for dads working to end the cycle of violence in their family. The program provides education on the important role that fathers play in the well-being of their families, teaches parenting skills, and increases the understanding of the impact of domestic violence on children.

Grab a coffee and please join us on Zoom on Thursday, June 22nd from 12-1PM. REGISTER HERE.

Questions?  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Alicia Peet at