Make a big impact in our local communities by partnering with us through a Signature Event Sponsorship.

Receive exposure at both of our annual events, the Walk Against Domestic Violence (October 2024) and Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event (March 2025). Sponsorships support much needed services for survivors of domestic violence and youth empowerment programming. 

For questions, please email Vanessa Ayersman at

Click here to download a copy of our 2024-2025 sponsorship packet.


Presenting Sponsor – $20,000

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Prominent placement of sponsor’s logo on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website, linking to sponsor’s website. Placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Prominently featured logo placement and link to sponsor’s website in event email communications to full email database.
  • Dedicated thank you and sponsor acknowledgement on social media and in e-Newsletter.
  • “Presented by” followed with sponsor’s name and logo on event posters and direct mail postcards.

Exposure at 2024 Walk Against Domestic Violence:

  • Speaking opportunity during event.
  • Prominent logo placement on Walk signage and banners.
  • Sponsor Yard Sign inclusion along Walk path.
  • Acknowledgement from event stage by the Center.
  • Opportunity for shared sponsor tent/table space to interact with guests.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag to be handed out at the end of the walk.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 16 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Speaking opportunity during event.
  • Acknowledgement from event stage by the Center.
  • Premier placement of sponsor’s logo in printed programs and table signage.
  • Opportunity for table space to interact with guests.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag or handout to be included on guest tables or at checkout for the event.
Become a Presenting Sponsor here.

Leadership Sponsor – $10,000

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website, linking to sponsor’s website. Placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Logo placement and link to sponsor’s website in event email communications to full email database.
  • Sponsor acknowledgement and thank you on social media and in e-Newsletter.
  • Sponsor’s logo on event posters.

Exposure at 2024 Walk Against Domestic Violence:

  • Logo placement on Walk signage and banners.
  • Sponsor Yard Sign inclusion along Walk path.
  • Acknowledgement from event stage by the Center.
  • Opportunity for shared sponsor tent/table space to interact with guests.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag to be handed out at the end of the walk.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 12 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Acknowledgement from event stage by the Center.
  • Sponsor’s logo in printed programs and table signage.
  • Opportunity for shared table space to interact with guests.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag or handout to be included on guest tables or at checkout for the event.
Become a Leadership Sponsor here

Advocacy Sponsor – $5,000

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website, linking to sponsor’s website. Placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Logo placement and link to sponsor’s website in event email communications to full email database.
  • Sponsor acknowledgement and thank you on social media.

Exposure at 2024 Walk Against Domestic Violence:

  • Sponsor Yard Sign inclusion along Walk path.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag to be handed out at the end of the walk.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 10 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Sponsor’s logo in printed programs and table signage.
  • Opportunity for sponsor swag or handout to be included on guest tables or at checkout for the event.
Become an Advocacy Sponsor here.

Rise Up Sponsor – $2,500

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s name on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website, linking to sponsor’s website. Placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Sponsor’s name and link to sponsor’s website in event email communications to full email database.
  • Sponsor acknowledgement and thank you on social media.

Exposure at 2024 Walk Against Domestic Violence:

  • Sponsor Yard Sign inclusion along Walk path.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 6 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Sponsor’s name listed in programs and table signage.
Become a Rise Up Sponsor here.

Together we Can Sponsor – $1,000

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s name on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website; placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Sponsor’s name in event email communications to full email database.

Exposure at 2024 Walk Against Domestic Violence:

  • Sponsor Yard Sign inclusion along Walk path.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 4 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Sponsor’s name listed in printed program.
Become a Together We Can here.

Stepping Up Sponsor – $500

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s name on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website; placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Sponsor’s name in event email communications to full email database.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 2 reserved admission tickets for event.
  • Sponsor’s name listed in printed program.
Become a Stepping Up Sponsor here.

Helping Hand Sponsor – $250

Pre & Post Events Exposure:

  • Sponsor’s name on the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center website; placement includes the Partners Page and both event web pages.
  • Sponsor’s name in event email communications to full email database.

Recognition at 2025 Pledge for Change: A White Ribbon Event:

  • 1 reserved admission ticket for event.
  • Sponsor’s name listed in printed program.
Becoming a Helping Hand Sponsor here